Auditions for Rondo Theatre Company’s Autumn production are going to take place on:
Sunday 22nd May at 4pm and Tuesday 24th May at 7.30pm at the Bath Drama Hut, Vane St. Bath. (
The show is: In The Next Room (aka The Vibrator Play) by Sarah Ruhl and will be at the Rondo
Theatre w/c 20th November 2016. Directed by Matt Nation.
This is going to be an exciting and extremely challenging production to be involved with. Set in the early 1900’s with fabulous Victorian costumes and the dawn of electricity with its many and varied possibilities – this play covers everything from sexual desire, motherhood, breastfeeding, and jealousy – with a healthy dose of humour – if you aren’t familiar with the play, then there’s a good summary here:
PLEASE read up on the play before attending the auditions, there is no need for any other preparation.
The cast (4f 3m) are listed below – ages can be flexible, so don’t worry too much about those, we’re looking to get a cast that works well together primarily, so it may be aged up or down.
Dr. Givings, a man in his forties, a specialist in gynecological and hysterical disorders.
Catherine Givings, his wife, a woman in her late twenties.
Sabrina Daldry, his patient, a woman in her early thirties. (Ability to play piano would be useful)
Annie, a woman in her late thirties, Dr. Giving’s midwife assistant.
Leo Irving, Dr. Giving’s other patient, an Englishman in his twenties or thirties.
Elizabeth, an African-American woman in her early thirties. A wet-nurse by default.
Mr. Daldry, Sabrina Daldry’s husband, a man in his forties or fifties.
NB The play is originally set in the USA, but we’re going to move the action over to London in the early 1900’s with an American doctor and his wife setting up their practice in the UK.