The Rondo Theatre Company Summer 2020 Charity Production will be MACBETH, to be jointly directed by Will Jesmond and Matt Nation.
Our production will be set in the post first world war period, amongst the shady gangsters and organised crime that erupted in the inner city areas of England following the return of the soldiers to a country that was struggling to support them. Duncan, a much respected (and feared) leader keeps the peace between the gangs, but is usurped by one of his own – Macbeth – pushed on by his ambitious wife.
The three witches – from their opium den (bubble bubble) predicted this future and set Macbeth on a path for greatness and, of course, ultimately…destruction.
So, come and be a part of our dark and gritty journey by attending our auditions at the Rondo Theatre, Larkhall, Bath, on:
Sunday 5th Jan 2020 at 6pm and Tuesday 7th Jan 2020 at 7pm.
You only need attend one audition, no experience is required to audition – we welcome all. All parts are available, so do let us know if you are interested in a particular role, so that we can ensure you are properly considered.
More information on the structure of the auditions will be released shortly. But if you have any questions in the meantime, please let us know,
Matt and Will